Cloud Solutions

The right Cloud solution for you

Scalable infrastructure solutions for businesses and Firms of any size.

When discussing ‘cloud’ services it’s important to realise we’re not talking about your ‘journey to the cloud’. Rather, it’s about the how – how you store, access and protect services and data you have chosen to host off-site from your office or Firm. Cloud solutions cover email, virtual networks, data storage, Practice Management Software, line of business apps, and much more. The major advantage to your business or Firm from cloud solutions is their ability to quickly scale up or down, enabling you to react more immediately to changing licensing or business needs.

You only pay for the services and licenses you use, and the headache of managing the infrastructure rests with us.

itro’s engineers will help you identify the best cloud provider or product to meet your business needs, and then manage any customisation requirements you may have. With our technical expertise and preference for real-world, efficient solutions, we can oversee and manage purely cloud-based or combinations of cloud and on-premises solutions.

itro IT Solutions

  • All
  • Cloud
  • Communications
  • Data Management
  • Security