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DKIM DMARC change to email security

A big thing is happening to email security, and it's going to create delivery issues for some businesses. Just as you don’t like getting unwanted emails, Google and Yahoo are sick of their platforms being used to send spam, phishing and malware. Unfortunately, some bulk email providers are not fully securing...

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What are the risks of Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing for SMEs is now a concept we all need to be familiar with to keep up with the demands of a flexible working environment. However cloud computing has its own set of risks if not monitored properly. ...

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Top FAQs companies on the hunt for an MSP ask

1. What is itro's minimum term for managing your IT? 2. How much does itro charge per month? What is included in my Support Plan? 3. itro Support Plans are charged per device. Does this mean I have to pay a subscription fee for all computers?  4. If itro’s Support Plans...

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Cyber Attacks

Stop Cyber Attacks Against Your Business

We’re Under Attack – Who is Protected? Stop cyber attacks against your business now! In June 2020 Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison  announced  Australia was under sustained cyber attack by a foreign government. At an urgent press conference in Canberra, Mr Morrison said the ongoing, "large-scale" hack was being executed by...

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itro Device Protection and Cyber Security

Keep your devices cyber safe online, 24/7Keep your devices cyber safe without even thinking about it. itro MDR (Managed Detect & Respond) detects and responds to known and emerging cyber threats, plus any activities identified as 'unusual', that are activated through one of your business endpoints. Designed for business professionals, our...

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Layered cyber security is a must for SMEs and Firms

MFA and Cyber Security

What is MFA? Multifactor authentication (MFA/2FA) is a cyber security tool that protects your apps and online accounts from being accessed without your permission. It stops others who know your login and password, or have stolen them, from getting into your online accounts.How does MFA/2FA work?MFA protects you by adding another...

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Layered cyber security is a must for SMEs and Firms

Antivirus and Cyber Security

Is antivirus all I need for cyber security? Is it OK to not have antivirus? What is antivirus? It's software designed to detect and destroy computer viruses delivered online to your devices. Many users and business owners believe that antivirus is the only layer of cyber security needed to protect their devices...

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itro keeps SMEs cyber secure

How Secure Is Your Website?

Business Owners and Practice Managers, who do you think is responsible for keeping your website safe? A.   Your internal IT Department, or Managed Service Provider?B.   Your third-party website Hosting Provider?C.   The person or business you have contracted to build and manage your website?ANSWER: C The primary responsibility for your website security rests...

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